SciberNet Inc.


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Company Profile 

Company Profile
Founded in 1996, SciberNet is a leader in the development of state-of-the-art kinetic plasma simulations and their applications to a wide range of situations relating to space environment, spacecraft charging and propulsion systems. Our expertise in modeling and simulations, high-performance computing, as well as data analysis and mining has made us a first choice provider of simulation services and customized solutions to universities, commercial enterprises and sectors of the federal government.

Our current projects involve consulting on high performance computing and large data sets as well as the development of next generation technologies which will drastically enhance simulation performance and reduce computation time. This in turn, allows for modeling of larger and more complex systems with a wide range of applicability.

SciberNet seeks to apply our team's expertise and knowledge to all facets of society through collaborations and partnerships to provide simulation services and customized solutions to all entities when clear synergy exists.